On February 2023 ARK Technik has completed the works to maintain the airworthiness of Tu-204 -100E (No CU-T1702) of Cuban national aircarrier “Cubana de Aviacion” fleet.

The works were carried out on the basis of contract signed between ARK Technik and Cuban Foreign Trade Enterprise “Aviaimport”.

The amount of performed activity included evaluation of aircraft technical condition, carrying out of F-2 Check with relevant SB’s implementation, vendor items and landing gear life extension, stabilizer panels replacement and aircraft painting done by JSC “Spectr-Avia”.

At the moment the test flight for aircraft Customer transfer procedure has been already performed.

ARK Technik for more than 15 years provides the comprehensive support to entire “Cubana de Aviacion” fleet. Completion of Tu-204-100E program presents another success of Russian-Cuban collaboration in the area of civil aviation.